


​​​​​​The Kenmore State School Parents and Citizens Association (KSS P&C) is a volunteer group of parents and community members interested in supporting and advancing the school, its staff and students. The P&C has been in place for over 110 years and has continuously played an integral part in the improvement of the school facilities and grounds.

Below are FAQ to help you understand the P&C responsibilities and activities

What is the formal structure of the P&C?

The P&C consists of a volunteer executive committee, a few paid positions for some of the businesses run by the P&C and other members who are interested in actively participating in the advancement of the school. The majority of P&C Committee positions are filled at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in March each year.

The current committee is comprised of the following individuals:

President: Aynsley Johns​​on​

Vice President: Melanie Herman​

Treasurer: Kristy Robertson

Secretary: Breanna Thompson

Operations Manager: Debbie Hoogers

When does the P&C meet and who can come to these meetings?

The P&C meets on the third Thursday of each month in the library of the school from 7pm. Any parent with an interest in the school is invited to participate in P&C meetings and activities. As the P&C is a volunteer organisation, all input and help is appreciated.

How can I contact the P&C?

If you have questions about the P&C and its activities, you can contact our Operations Manager on (07) 3327 2403 or email

You can also always speak to any P&C members at the school.

How does the P&C contribute to the school’s welfare?

The P&C is a communication link between the parent and carer body of the school and the school’s executive committee. It provides a communication link to the school and is thus able to provide input into school decision-making and policy development.

The P&C raises money throughout the year to support activities within the school initiatives. These include improvements of facilities and grounds; updates to learning-related equipment like computers; support for specialised learning activities like the swimming program and musical instruments; and support for the social and mental welfare of students through contributions to the chaplaincy program.

How does the P&C raise money?

The P&C has two main focus areas for fundraising:

  • through year-round business activities (Details outlined below under the FAQ "What are the businesses that P&C runs?")
  • through fundraising events (Details outlined below under the FAQ "Which fundraising events does the P&C undertake?").

Is out of school hours care a school service?

No, the out of school hours care (OSHC) is one of the businesses run by the P&C. Staff of OSHC report to the executive committee of the P&C.

What are the businesses that P&C runs?

  1. Uniform shop
  2. Outside school hours care (OSHC)
  3. Tennis​

Which fundraising events do the P&C undertake?

The P&C runs three major fundraising events during the year:

  • Trivia Night
  • Multicultural Food & Art Festival
  • Swim-a-thon

Other popular activities are smaller fundraising events with a stronger emphasis on community spirit. These are the Welcome BBQ at the beginning of the school year, the Tennis Fun Day, two discos during the school year and Under 8's day.

Last reviewed 28 March 2024
Last updated 28 March 2024